We are born, we do stuff, we die. Not only that, but our ancestors were born, did stuff and died and so will those who follow us. This obvious existential truth is the holding frame for our 4th series of Live Well Die Wise gatherings.
Within this frame we will, together, touch the moment in which we each find ourselves - today, now. This ‘moment’ may be a life transition of some sort: a relationship change, a personal or global health crisis, a professional decision to be taken, maybe we find ourselves wondering how many more summers we have left or see the climate emergency as an existential moment for humanity.
Or maybe we have a nagging sense that there is more to life than this, that what has been, no longer fits. Something else awaits, but we don't yet know what. Yet we do know we have a choice about how we face this moment.
We invite you to join this virtual group to listen to yourself and to others and what is happening in-between. We will each listen to the images and sounds of the past and in so doing may discover what now needs to die and, with that practice, may invite whatever lies ahead.
We invite a maximum of eight people to join the four sesions, each for a maximum of two hours, using Zoom. All participants should be committed and be able to attend all essions.
We want all those who can benefit from our offer to be able to participate. So we have come up with three ways in which you may reciprocate for the series of four sessions. You may
i) pay €220 or
ii) pay €110 according to your financial position or
iii) 'pay it forward' by undertaking pro bono work in the spirit of LWDW for a total of 8 hours. For example, this may be unconditional listening, supporting someone with a major transition and letting go, or by being with someone as they think about the end of life. This would be something new which you were not doing anyway at the time of the LWDW series. When you have completed your pro bono work, we would like to receive your feedback about what you did and what happened. We will ask for your permission to share this in order to support spreading the word about our offer and participants’ experiences.
We offer this because we want to share the gift of deep listening in an online
environment combined with ‘living well and dying wise’ as it comes along in certain tipping points in our lives. If you find what you read here to be engaging, you may be ready to say ‘yes
please’ or you may want to know more. Either way we would be glad to hear from you. Please email Martin (martin.farrell@get2thepoint.org) and we will provide you with further information.
Susanne Conrad (Germany), Martin Farrell (UK), Patricia Koster (Netherlands)
LWDW is one of several initiatives flowing from the ‘Virtual Listening Campus’ which was part of the Societal Transformation Lab, Presencing Institute 2018-19.
Martin Farrell (UK) martin.farrell@get2thepoint.org
Patricia Koster (Netherlands)